Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rant of a Book Worm

I'm appalled.  I just read a blog that quoted these stats:
  • 33% of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.
  • 42% of college graduates never read another book after college.
  • 80% of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year.
  • 70% of U.S. adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
  • 57% of new books are not read to completion.
The author followed these statistics by saying we probably aren't surprised by this, but I am!  I'm a reader.  I come from a family of readers.  I have friends that are readers.  I had no idea that everyone else is not!  Can you imagine a life where you never read a book again after high school?  Or, not buying or reading a book for and with your family in a whole year?  I can't.  It's totally outside my world view.  It makes me sad to think about all those people are missing out on.

Words have the power to unleash new things in our minds, and if in our minds, then in the world.  Think about it...God could have chosen any way to communicate with His people, but He chose the written word of the Bible.  Jesus is described as The Word in the book of John.  Spoken word is powerful...the world was created by the words formed by God's mouth.  But for words to be eternal, they get printed on a page. 

Printed letters, combined into words, grouped into sentences, have perpetual impact.  Please tell me I'm not the only nerd who dwells on these things!  The Bible is often referred to as the Living Word because the power of the Holy Spirit makes it purposeful in all lives for all time.  Other literature does not have the force of the Holy Spirit behind it, but, in its own way, is alive too.  Good literature tells a specific story that we may or may not relate to, but it also reveals pieces of humanity, like fear or friendship or jealousy or courage or love, and we can all relate to those.  These messages can mean different things to different people and answer questions that cross generations.

There are so many of life's issues for which reading is the answer...
Do you want to know about the world?  Read.
Do you want to learn about yourself?  Read.
Do you want to be a better writer?  Read.
Do you want to understand others?  Read.
Do you want to have something intelligent to say at parties?  Read.
Do you want a slower pace of life?  Read.
Do you want to tap into the eternity of humanity...what was, what is, what will be?  Read.
Do you want to know how a mere Hobbit can change the world?  Read.

For heaven's sake people, buy a book!  Borrow a book if you're broke.  Own a library card.  Encourage your kids to read.  Read books you love.  Read books that make you uncomfortable.  You will find the boundaries of your mind and your life stretched in this endeavor.  The world needs a more literate you.

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